Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 AM to Noon   Phone: 941-697-3313


Church Governance

Faith Lutheran Church of Rotonda West is governed by a group of nine members of the congregation elected at the Congregations annual meeting. Members serve three year terms with three elected each year. Church Council members elect the officers of the congregation with each member serving as an officer or liaison to one of the church committees.

Steve Wolf

Vice President
Jay Fisher

Treasurer, Finance Committee Liaison
Lynn Beck

Jeff Petersen

Congregation Pastor
The Rev Dr Brian Armen

Worship and Music Liaison
Jeff Petersen

Education Comm. Liaison
Toni Newton

Stewardship Liaison
Art Hanson

Evangelism/Publicity Liaison
Lou Taylor

Fellowship Liaison
Ellen Lindhurst

Property Liaison
Jay Fisher

Financial Secretary
Linda Jackling